Wednesday, 30 March 2016

New QSL Card Design

Last year most of my Amateur Radio activity was in the RSGB UKAC VHF contests. This year things have changed a bit. I wanted to get back into CW on HF so built a Cobweb, 5 band antenna to compliment the 80/40 trap dipole.

As the QSL cards come trickling in I thought that I had better respond to a few of them!
After reading Charlie's Blog, I thought it time that I had a decent QSL card. The last time I designed a card and had it properly printed, I ended up moving house a couple of months later. Consequently, I have never gone out of my way to repeat the exercise. However, as I cannot see any way that I can down-size any more than I already have, the time has arrived to put some thought into a nice design.
I took a photograph of the River Welland as it meanders through Spalding, making sure it was on a sunny day. I must confess that I am fairly proficient at using Photoshop so removed a bent cycle path sign and a few bits of  rubbish and adjusted the colours so that it was a vibrant, welcoming scene.
Text was then added and enhanced with drop shadow and  emboss effects.
Next stop the back of the card.
I had a fairly recent shot of me in the Radio Shack so reduced it to black and white and also reduced the intensity so it was pale grey. Added some boxes and labled them. Added a text box with Equipment details and finally added my call and a place for the recipients call to be written in.
Next stop finding a printer. Back to Charlie's web site I think for a few suggestions from him. 
Then it's back to the Radio so that I will have a use for some of these cards once they are printed.
73 es gud DX, Jim