Monday 8 June 2015

2014 2 Meters FISTS CW Award

Delighted to receive a certificate for 1st place in the 2104 FISTS CW Club 2 meters activity event. 

It was particilarly satisfying as the VHF activity was a FISTS tribute to Angie G0HGA and I did meet her many years ago when we both sat our CW test together. I was then G1UUM and living in High Wycombe, a particularly poor VHF location at the bottom of a deep valley. That was the original inspiration for learning CW in order to get the treasured "A" licence and to be able to work on HF.  While I was struggling to reach the necessary 12 wpm, she was, even back then, rattling it out like a seasoned pro. She did make quite an impression on me then and I was saddened to hear that she went SK.

Many thanks for all the QSO's that made this award possible.


SDARS 2015 Rally